Hey Everyone!
Welcome to the final post of a successful 2014. This was another great year for me personally and I hope it was the same for you. This year brought many opportunities, experiences and challenges for growth and development. Here is a look at the last few weeks.
At the Australian Martial Arts Academy we had our week long December Grading. There were a total of 9 Gradings with the all-important Black Belt Grading being the pinnacle event of the week. I would like to congratulate all our students who progressed in their belt ranks. As an instructor there is nothing more satisfying than witnessing students improve and accomplish milestones in their Martial Arts Careers. A huge thanks to our incredible team of instructors at the Academy for continually developing and shaping leaders of the future!
It was an honour to be invited to Speak to the High School Students at Al Noori Muslim School. I have been blessed with a great support network of family and mentors to help in my Education and Proffesional Journey. One of the things I enjoy most is spending time with the youth, weather through formal motivational talks or informal conversation. I had the opportunity to do both with the students at the school where I provided a Motivational Presentation on the importance of education and developing the self belief to succeed during school and the workplace. I had a blast and I am very grateful for the opportunity.
At the start of this year, one of my personal goals was to become a better all-round Martial Artist. Training in Taekwondo all my life I wanted to take on other styles of Martial Arts to have a better understanding and appreciate the benefits of all styles of training. I began focusing on Muay Thai and Boxing, while keeping up a strict Strength and Martial Arts Tricking schedule, coupled with Taekwondo training to maintain explosiveness. The training was rigorous performing up to 10 sessions a week although the reward in satisfaction was amazing. I look forward to continuing this type of training into the new year.
Below is a highlight video of my training in Thailand over a month ago.
I hope that 2014 was a prosperous and a year filled with passion, love and growth. It was an amazing year. With so many experiences and memories i will cherish. Sad to see it come by so quickly. I am looking forward to next year with many more projects, performances and seminars planned. I wish you all a happy new year and i hope 2015 brings you joy and happiness.
Be Safe