Modern & Creative Kicks Century DVD Release!

Hey everyone,

I am proud to announce the release of my very own 5 Volume Instructional DVD Series produced by Century Martial Arts (The Worlds Largest Martial Arts Supply Company).

Earlier in the year i was invited to the USA to film the instructional DVD series. It was something i had always wanted to do, but to receive an offer from a Company with the credibility of Century,  was simply an opportunity i could not turn down.  Below is a promotional highlight video of some of the techniques covered in the Series.

I have been involved in the Martial Arts for 20 years and i have put my experiences, knowledge training methods into this DVD series. It Covers everything from Stretching, Flexibility, Footwork, Stances, Basic Kicks, Intermediate Kicks, Advanced Kicks Such as Autobahn, 540 Kick, 720 Kick, Parafuso, Butterfly Twist, Buttlefly Twist Round Kick to name a few. These techniques will then be put into combinations to provide you will all the content needed to Improve your kicking skills.

DVDs can be Purchased by clicking the Instructional DVD page.

Furthermore, In Celebration of the Series. There will be Media Launch held at the Australian Martial Arts Academy.
